The Full Story
According to my parents, when I was little, my favorite thing to do was to throw dramatic tantrums on the kitchen floor. They were performative and very inspired by the Snow White VHS that I had played over and over again in my tiny apartment in Eugene, Oregon. I grew up thinking that the most magical thing that could ever happen to me was a magic carpet ride with a beautiful, tan stranger. I would perform Disney songs and recite all the movies line-for-line in the backyard for my aunts, parents, and grandparents.
Fast forward through my school years, and many different sports, clothing choices, hairstyles, and taste in music - the one thing that never changed was my love for theater and choir. I could be as dramatic as I wanted and people would actually sit and watch... and laugh. Applaud. Sing along. It was everything to me.
My father was an immigrant from Mexico and he came to the USA when he was 21 years old. I credit him for many of my values today. He knew the importance of an education and he always told me I was going to finish college. There was no question.